LETTER: Writer won’t vote if ranked-choice is implemented

A booth is ready for a voter, Feb. 24, 2020, at City Hall in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Elise A ...

Common critiques of ranked-choice voting include that it is too complicated, too expensive, it helps only Democrats (or Republicans), the person who receives the most votes may lose, your vote might not count if it’s “exhausted,” the results are often delayed for weeks and it violates the concept of “one person, one vote.”

Whenever I read letters, columns and articles supporting ranked-choice voting, the authors rarely if ever include the opposing points of view. They also fail to write about the jurisdictions that adopted the practice and then opted out soon after. That tells me all I need to know.

I’m old and old school. I’m considering not voting anymore. Ranked-choice voting will be the reason, if it’s passed. My choice, my prerogative.

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