Misinformation clouds the debate over GOP tax reform

I keep reading articles about the “massive tax cut” passed by Congress. Who are they kidding? I would’t call a 2 or 3 percentage point tax rate reduction massive, especially in light of the elimination of many deductions.

I also read that the Democrats claim the tax cut takes money away from lower-income individuals and gives it to the upper 1 percenters. But they never explain how this is done. I guess this is just another unsubstantiated claim by the liberal left.

Another point: Does this tax reform prohibit high-earning Democrats — such as Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders and the Clintons — from the reform’s benefits? I think not.

Additionally, they claim that 13 million people will lose health insurance thanks to the elimination of the health insurance mandate. Could it be that these are the people who bought insurance only because they were forced to by the government and will now choose to drop it because they don’t want to pay for it?

In my opinion, the opposition to this tax reform is another example of people making accusations without providing proof or evidence.

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