Path to career success can take many different forms

Jeffrey Selingo’s Wednesday commentary “College not only path to success” was very good, but he misses a most important point. His emphasis is almost entirely on money — on earnings — and he completely ignores the arts, philosophy and the humanities. He omits opportunities for better understanding of science, languages, cultures and research techniques that good colleges provide.

It is true that many young people are better served with apprenticeships. However, students who are curious and academically able should be encouraged to consider two-year, three-year and four-year collegiate programs rather than limiting themselves to mere training. Money is obviously important, but it should never be the prime objective.

Having been a teacher and junior high school guidance counselor, I have seen many youngsters in need of career exploration that matches their capacities, interests and academic achievements. The best schools offer work-experience and career education as well as academic courses; students are helped to set appropriate goals for themselves and then pursue them with pleasure and the pride of accomplishment.

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