Time to outlaw smoking in bars, casinos

I agree with Saturday’s letter from Frank DiNicola regarding the pitiful “smoke-free” areas in casinos. Unless the smoking areas are completely sealed off, all non-smoking areas are ineffective. Smoke goes where it wants.

The only solution is a ban of smoking in bars and casinos.

I realize the gaming industry has a powerful lobby. However, the health of Nevadans should outweigh greed. And just think of all those non-smokers who — if there is a smoking ban — would be able to breathe and gamble. I would be one of them.

I never frequent casinos because of the smoke. I had two parents who died because of smoking. It really does kill and it is a horrible death.

The majority of citizens in this state don’t smoke. Why can’t their wishes be realized?

Marlene Drozd

Las Vegas

Trust us

In the Review-Journal’s Sept. 29 Daily Voter Guide was the report, “Question 1 discussion elicits strong opinions.”

Toward the end, the article noted how an audience member asked District Attorney Steve Wolfson, one of the most powerful supporters of Question 1, how he would enforce the law. He responded that he “would execute prosecutorial discretion and look for criminal intent.” He said, “We’re not going to charge people for lending a weapon to a friend.”

Isn’t that nice of him? Don’t you feel safer? Or is it possible that buried in the bowels of the initiative you can sense there is a massive amount of expanded prosecutorial power in the hands of individuals who, by their very nature, are authoritarian in their mind-set?

Unchecked power to choose what’s acceptable and what’s not. More important, who’s acceptable and who’s not. Hasn’t that always worked out great in the past? Shouldn’t be a problem now. Right?

Knight Allen

Las Vegas

Tax burden

I recently learned that veterans and active military (and their dependents) are being charged sales tax on home medical equipment. These warriors, past and present, are insured through a company called Tricare. Tricare insureds are currently not exempt from Nevada sales tax on home medical equipment.

A “yes” vote on state ballot Question 4 would begin the process of exempting from this tax our veterans and military personnel, as well as others who are sick and injured and need medical equipment at home. Both the cities of Reno and Las Vegas have stated that the loss of revenue from this tax is “immaterial.”

Let’s stop this nonsense and pass Question 4.

Doug Bennett


Candidate traits

No matter what information the news media feed us, most of us read and hear only what we want to. When it comes to candidates, however, we should not ignore the less political traits such as common courtesy and empathy.

Helga Lott

Las Vegas

Amusement factor

Not sure who I find the most humorous, Wayne Allyn Root or the individuals who write letters to the editor ripping him apart for speaking his mind. I say, keep them coming, Mr. Root. With all the discontent in the country today, we need all the amusement we can get.

Judy Smith


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