Trump, Trump and more Trump

I read Steve Sebelius’s Wednesday column, “Some get hurt leaping from the Trump train.” At the end of the column, he excoriates Christians who continue to support the morally defective Donald Trump by implying they are making some sort of deal with the devil. What he fails to understand is that most Christians, as well as many conservative secular voters, see Hillary Clinton as someone who has already sold her soul to the devil.

While Mr. Trump is imperfect (who isn’t), his record for moral corruptness pales in comparison to Mrs. Clinton’s. Google “Hillary Clinton scandals” and the page explodes. Scandals such as using the IRS to harass many of the women Bill Clinton assaulted, covering up for Bill and smudging the character of the women who dared to report the crimes.

And let’s not forget scandals such as looting the White House, Filegate, Emailgate, Chinagate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Snipergate, Rose Law Firmgate, Pardongate, Cattle Futuresgate, Saul Alinskygate, Iranian Fundraisinggate, Clinton Foundationgate, Benghazi, etc., etc. I could go on but there isn’t enough space to name them all.

As for Mr. Sebelius, I have a scripture verse for him: “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

Michael Edens

Las Vegas

Election conspiracy

If you think for one minute that Donald Trump got into the race for president to win, you’re wrong. He got in to make sure that Hillary Clinton is the winner.

The Clintons and Trumps have been friends for years. Mr. Trump was as shocked as all of us when he won the nomination. That done, now he has to keep screwing up to make sure she wins. Just watch Mrs. Clinton at the debates. She is looking right at Mr. Trump and saying, “Keep going.” The more he talks, the more she goes up in the polls.

No one using both sides of the brain would do the things Mr. Trump has and expect to win.

Gerald McNulty

North Las Vegas

Big change

If nothing else comes out of this election cycle, we will have to give Donald Trump a thumps up on how he has exposed not only the Democrats but also the Republicans. These parties are a disgrace to this country.

And as you read between the lines each day, the lesson from all this is how these people want to keep power and money in their pockets — and the press goes along with it as if it’s nothing.

This really shows this country needs a big change. But where are Kennedy- and Reagan-types to lead us? In my 80-plus years, I have never seen anything like this in this country, and it is our kids, grandkids and great-grandkids who will suffer under this debt and poor leadership from both the left and the right.

I don’t know if our vote will really matter in this upcoming election, but I hope someone with sense comes forward.

Dave Mesker

Las Vegas

Trump shame

Memo to Donald Trump re the 2005 video: You weren’t in a locker room. You weren’t a teenage boy. If you had been, and your mother had overheard you, you would have been reprimanded, even if you were in junior high.

What you said was offensive. It embarrassed and likely shamed your families. As a presidential candidate, you have diminished the stature and dignity of our country in the eyes of many — our own citizens and around the world.

Your so-called apologies were negated by a lack of any observable contrition; by your “but Bill Clinton did worse” defense; and by your angry threats of more slurs and lawsuits if other recordings come out. It’s your behavior that was at fault, not the fact that it was discovered.

The incident and your response have resurrected painful memories of sexual assault for many, many women and men.

Please stop it. Stop the trash-talking. Stop assuming you can assault women because you are a “star.” Stop the threats.

Ann Marshall

Las Vegas

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