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VICTOR JOECKS: Democrats wage a war on Assemblywomen

Nevadans worry about high prices, illegal immigration and crime. The priority for legislative Democrats on day one was mandating sex-neutral language.

Each session, the Assembly and Senate pass the “joint standing rules” of the Senate and Assembly. Normally, that’s so inside baseball that it’s not worthy of attention. Not this year.

The 2023 rules mentioned “assemblyman” and “assemblywoman” in a couple of places. The new version of the rules dropped those terms. Now, the word is “assemblymember.” Republicans objected, but because Democrats run the place, that’s the term that will appear on bills and the legislative website. Democrat Speaker Steve Yeager said the change was made to “modernize” terms.

Most people will see erasing women from the official record as going backward. Making it worse, Democrats have replaced assemblywoman with a term — “member” — that is used to reference a specific part of the male anatomy. State Sen. Ira Hansen pointed this out on Tuesday. Rhetorically, Democrats have re-established the patriarchy. Hilarious stuff.

The irony is that, before the 2019 session, Democrats bragged about Nevada having the country’s first state legislature with a female majority. Having a female majority “gives confidence to more women to put their names in the hat and don’t have doubts,” then-Assemblywoman Beatrice Angela Duran said at the time.

So Democrats want to simultaneously claim that electing women to the Legislature is a big deal and that the Legislature shouldn’t recognize the difference between men and women. No, that doesn’t make sense.

This is what happens when you adhere to self-contradictory beliefs, like the left does on sex differences. A good leftist must believe that men and women aren’t inherently different. Unequal outcomes are the result of a sexist system. That’s why you must celebrate a female-majority Legislature.

But transgender ideology holds that men can become women and vice versa. Progressives must also celebrate men dominating women’s sports. The only way to make that work is to remove distinctions between the sexes. That’s why Democrats want to talk about pregnant people and “assemblymembers.” Transgender ideology demands that you pretend that men and women are interchangeable widgets.

People are tired of this. Men and women are equal before God and the law, but they have differences. Those physical differences will lead men and women to have different interests in the aggregate and unequal outcomes in certain fields absent outside intervention.

Society used to understand that this is a good thing. The differences between men and women shouldn’t put them in competition with each other. They allow men and women to complement each other — improving the lives of both sexes and their children. Many of the problems the country faces stem from the breakdown of marriage as a foundational institution.

Not everyone in Carson City has gone crazy. On Wednesday, Lt. Gov. Stavros Anthony’s Task Force to Protect Women’s Sports is having a rally at the state Capitol. After Nevada Democrats refused to stand with the UNR volleyball team, that’s encouraging.

Nevadans have a clear choice. Democrats have launched a war on assemblywomen. Republicans want to save women’s sports. Pick your side.

Contact Victor Joecks at vjoecks@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-4698. Follow @victorjoecks on X.