Democrats still haven’t learned from electoral rout

I’m a Republican. Lifelong. I bleed GOP red.

But I can admit the GOP’s weaknesses. For instance, we have much work to do to win over certain voters: blacks, Latinos, women and gays.

This drives me crazy because Barack Obama’s policies hurt all of these groups. On the other hand, GOP policies will make the economy rebound. GOP policies will create real middle-class jobs. GOP policies will give more power to the people. GOP policies will reduce everyone’s tax burden. GOP policies will always put America first.

That will create black jobs, Latino jobs, female jobs, gay jobs. Everyone wins.

I’m upset we aren’t doing better with these groups. But even though my candidate, Donald Trump, just won a resounding electoral victory, I’m focused on how the GOP can improve — even after a victory.

But amazingly, Democrats haven’t learned a thing from their defeat.

Democrats just lost and they can’t understand why. They refuse to expand their appeal. And they keep on insulting the voters.

Remember, Democrats didn’t just lose the presidency. They lost everything. U.S. Senate. U.S. House. Governorships. State legislatures. They’ve lost 1,042 state and federal seats since Obama became president. The American people have roundly rejected their policies.

Former President Bill Clinton said in an interview days ago, “Donald Trump doesn’t know much. But one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”

Thank you, Bill Clinton, for the endorsement of my book, “Angry White Male.” After his wife Hillary’s devastating loss, I guess Bill had a lot of spare time on his hands for reading.

Yes, angry white males won it for President-elect Donald J. Trump. Trump won white males by 32 points nationwide (63 percent to 31 percent).

But Trump didn’t win only white males. He won a resounding victory among white people of all kinds. Trump beat Clinton among white women 53-43. Among white voters without a college degree, Trump beat Clinton by a remarkable 72-23. Trump won among white, non-college women 62-34 and white, college-educated men, 54-39 percent.

And Trump beat Clinton among white people of all income ranges.

Yet Bill Clinton’s comment about “angry white males” sounded bitter and derogatory. Just more disrespect from a leading Democrat. Clinton was insinuating Trump is a dumb white male with no talents, except for getting other white males to vote for him. More sour grapes and vitriol from one of the leaders of a bitter, defeated political party.

But think for a minute about what this kind of thinking really represents.

First, Clinton’s comments were racist. Bill Clinton sees white men as dumb and angry for no reason. He thinks they voted for Trump just because Trump is a man and white.

How insulting. How racist.

I’m a white male and I voted for Donald Trump because the policies of Obama and Hillary have wrecked the U.S. economy, killed middle-class jobs, skyrocketed the price of health care and made it almost impossible to start or run a business. In addition, they’ve spent our country into unimaginable debt and bankruptcy.

Second, Democrats should be asking why so many whites abandoned the Democrat Party. Instead of making fun of us — or insulting us, or writing us off like we don’t matter — maybe Democrats should try to figure out why we’re angry and craft an agenda that appeals to us, resonates with us and provides solutions to our problems.

Mr. Clinton, angry white males are angry at the Democrat Party for good reason. Your party left us a long time ago. You made us feel invisible. You made us feel like villains for working hard, for earning an honest living, for achieving prosperity, for paying taxes, for asking for nothing from government.

Unless you’re willing to listen, to moderate, to fight for our votes and to make us feel welcome in your party … President Trump will win in a Reagan-like re-election landslide in 2020.

Wayne Allyn Root (Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com) is host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on 790 Talk Now. His column appears Thursday and Sunday.

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