WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Nation will benefit from Trump’s nerves of steel

President Donald Trump holds up an executive order after his signing the order in the Oval Offi ...

Forget Russian collusion. President Donald Trump had nothing to do with that. But he is the best in the world at playing Russian roulette.

Democrats are such funny people. Many of them are either government employees or live on government handouts. Some collect a safe paycheck from a big corporation.

Few Democrats have ever started a business, run a business, risked their life savings on a business or negotiated big deals with everything they’ve got on the line.

The people who start and run businesses are almost all called “Republicans.” I’ve done it my entire life. So has Donald J. Trump. We are risk takers, gunslingers, riverboat gamblers. We crave competition. We live for action. We love the thrill of gambling.

Trump is playing a game of Russian roulette with his trade wars versus China and Mexico. He is certainly scaring a lot of people. Those people are called “Democrats.” They’ve never lived life on a high-wire. They have no idea how to play Russian roulette.

You need nerves of steel to stare down a competitor, to risk everything, to dare him to pull the trigger. Trump has done it his entire life.

Trump stared billionaire bankers down when he owed them billions of dollars. Once he walked down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan with his former wife Marla Maples. They saw a homeless man on the sidewalk. Marla commented, “Look at that poor man.” Trump responded, “Don’t feel bad for him. He’s richer than me. He’s worth nothing. I’m worth negative $4 billion.”

Yet Trump came back from that.

Trump’s seen it all. He knows when he’s holding the winning hand. He knows when to go “all in.” Trump is ruthless. He puts so much pressure on you, the odds are 100-to-1 you’ll fold. You better be one hell of a player when the chips are down, your life savings are on the line and Trump is bearing down on you like a high-speed locomotive.

There are no other billionaire politicians in the world who have also been broke, busted and $4 billion in debt. Trump was so dead, people were writing his obituary. Trump is one of a kind. He is a royal flush. He is the only politician in the world who can play this game at these high-pressure levels. This is where Trump thrives.

Heck, Trump survived two years of Robert Mueller.

This is why few Democrats understand what Trump is doing with his trade wars versus China and Mexico. Trump is playing Russian roulette.

As my brilliant immigrant grandfather used to say, “There is only one rule of business. The customer is always right.” America is the customer. We buy everything China makes. We buy everything Mexico makes, too. But more importantly, the Mexican economy survives based on U.S. remittance money. Without American consumers and dollars, China and Mexico both collapse overnight.

Trump sees the big picture. Trump is pushing China and Mexico to the brink of disaster, bankruptcy, ruin. We can live without buying anything from them for weeks, months, even years. We don’t need to buy. We can choose to save. We can choose to buy 100 percent American.

China and Mexico have nowhere else to go, no one else to sell to. They can’t afford to wait us out. Their economies will collapse. Their entire population will be out of work. There will be revolution in the streets of China and Mexico.

We’re holding all the cards. Trump knows it. I know it. China and Mexico know it. They will blink.

Forget Russian collusion. Trump will be re-elected in 2020 because of Russian roulette.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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