Kansas State suspends band director for risque formation during halftime show

Kansas State has suspended its band director for a game and the school will pay a self-imposed $5,000 fine after its marching band shaped itself into what appeared to be a risque formation during the halftime show of the Wildcats’ season-opening 34-0 victory over South Dakota.

Frank Tracz claimed the formation was supposed to be the Starship Enterprise from “Star Trek” in a battle with a Jayhawk, the mascot of rival Kansas. But the display, in which the Enterprise appeared to be a large phallus, was perceived by many to be a simulation of a sexual act, something Tracz denied on his Facebook account.

“There was absolutely no intent to display anything other than the Enterprise and the Jayhawk in battle,” he wrote above a chart of the formation performed in the game. “If I am guilty of anything it would be the inability to teach the drill in a manner that these young people could have succeeded. I do apologize for the misinterpretation and I assure you that I meant absolutely no disrespect or malice toward the University of Kansas.”

P.S. Dammit Jim, I’m a band director, not a porn producer.

The school said Tuesday that Tracz, who boldly went where no band director has gone before, will miss the Nov. 28 game against Kansas and that university officials must approve future halftime shows.

This reminds us of this one time, at band camp.

Check out the formation in the video above.

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