ROUND 1 — Little action early. Mayweather uses jab, but De La Hoya cuts off the ring. Mayweather moving and staying defensive, peppering with short hands. De La Hoya adds late flurry of jabs, but one lands low. Mayweather more active overall.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 2 — De La Hoya more active from the bell, working his left hand and looking to land his famous hook. Gets Mayweather to ropes, but Mayweather ducks and dodges. De La Hoya works jab, puts Mayweather back on heels again. De La Hoya stalks Mayweather throughout. Mayweather stays active and elusive. De La Hoya finding success in cutting off Mayweather’s movement, but Mayweather still smiling. Late clinch.

De La Hoya’s round.

ROUND 3 — De La Hoya still working jab and left hook. Stuns Mayweather with left, chases him back to ropes again with a combination. Mayweather looks surprised, throws a defensive right to relieve the pressure. De La Hoya controlling the ring, but Mayweather avoiding any big damage. Mayweather works jab but can’t land much. De La Hoya tests Mayweather’s defense, gets Mayweather lunging backward. De La Hoya bullrushes Mayweather to his corner again late. Mayweather nearly lands right at bell.

De La Hoya’s round.

ROUND 4 — De La Hoya sticks early left jab, Mayweather replies. Mayweather more active and aggressive, daring De La Hoya to chase him. De La Hoya corners Mayweather again and again but doesn’t land much. Mayweather active with jab. De La Hoya gets Mayweather on ropes, lands 10 straight lefts to his side, followed by three rights. None do much damage to the defensive Mayweather, who looks cool while backpedaling. De La Hoya lands glancing left to Mayweather’s head at bell. De La Hoya more active; Mayweather more efficient.

De La Hoya’s round.

ROUND 5 — Mayweather ducks hard right, then lands left jab twice, then ducks big left hook. De La Hoya backs Mayweather to ropes, and Mayweather punches his way out. Mayweather moving less, punching more. Mayweather lands a right while backed up on ropes, but De La Hoya is relentless. Another trip to the ropes, another left to Mayweather’s head. Mayweather responds with two flurries, chasing De La Hoya for once. Mayweather’s hard right glances off De La Hoya’s chin with 15 seconds left.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 6 — De La Hoya blocks, Mayweather dodges, over and over. De La Hoya backs Mayweather to ropes and unleashes two-handed body shots, but they glance off Mayweather’s forearms. Mayweather tries combination, but it does little. Mayweather whiffs on heavy right but then lands another, followed by a jab. De La Hoya stooping slightly, lands overhand right. De La Hoya forcing action again, but Mayweather no longer sitting back. A rare clinch in final seconds, followed by another two-handed flurry.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 7 — Mayweather works jab, and De La Hoya replies. De La Hoya backs down Mayweather, lands a few crosses. De La Hoya corners him again, lands a couple more. Mayweather grins. Mayweather tests De La Hoya high and low in middle of ring. Mayweather leads back, lets De La Hoya punch over his head. Mayweather lands right hook. Mayweather lands right to body, throws a flurry. De La Hoya stays in tight, keeps busy with jabs. De La Hoya corners Mayweather, who deflects head shots. Flurry at bell, Mayweather’s big right just misses.

De La Hoya’s round.

ROUND 8 — Quick early exchange. De La Hoya wary of Mayweather’s straight left. De La Hoya chases Mayweather, who ducks and dodges. Big flurry by De La Hoya, but few connections. Mayweather lands a right out of a clinch. Mayweather gets aggressive, but De La Hoya leads with his jab. Mayweather chided for shoving with lead shoulder. Crowd chants "Oscar! Oscar!" but Mayweather is busier. Mayweather misses with a crushing right by inches. Busy final 10 seconds, with De La Hoya cornering Mayweather, who comes out grinning.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 9 — De La Hoya works jab, still chasing Mayweather. Throws big combination with Mayweather on ropes but does no damage. De La Hoya blocks Mayweather’s big right hand. Mayweather wants to trade shots. De La Hoya momentarily gets defensive. Mayweather stays low, throws high. De La Hoya corners Mayweather with another flurry of combinations. Mayweather lands borderline right hand to De La Hoya’s waist.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 10 — De La Hoya still stalking Mayweather, who avoids damage on ropes. Mayweather wants to land straight left hands, but De La Hoya keeps his mitts high. Mayweather takes the lead, moving De La Hoya around center of ring. Mayweather lands right hand. Mayweather punches out of clinch. De La Hoya can’t land his jab but keeps trying. Not much production from either fighter. De La Hoya can’t find holes in Mayweather, who nearly lands a huge right hand at bell.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 11 — Both fighters throw big body shots out of an early clinch. Mayweather lands right to De La Hoya’s jaw. Mayweather lands another right to De La Hoya’s head. De La Hoya still stalking, but Mayweather growing more confident. De La Hoya’s punches don’t have their early zing. Mayweather stumbles away from a left hand but remains nimble. De La Hoya throws a desperate flurry on ropes, but Mayweather unscathed. Mayweather still dancing away from De La Hoya but also replying with combinations. Crowd boos Mayweather’s elusiveness, and De La Hoya lands a shot to Mayweather’s head before bell.

Mayweather’s round.

ROUND 12 — De La Hoya corners Mayweather and throws combinations. Mayweather dances away, then lands a right uppercut. Mayweather hits De La Hoya’s chin on the way into a clinch. Crowd still chanting for De La Hoya. Mayweather’s hard right connects with De La Hoya’s head, and De La Hoya nods. De La Hoya bulls into Mayweather on ropes. Mayweather stays low. De La Hoya makes another charge, but Mayweather peppers his head with short throws. Mayweather inadvertently pushes De La Hoya, who stumbles. Both fighters trading punches to the bell. Both embrace after bell, and both jump onto the ropes in celebration.

Mayweather’s round.


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