Councilman says God wouldn’t approve of saggy pants, proposes ban

A proposed ban on saggy pants in a small Alabama town is being rewritten to include short skirts on women, and one councilman said this week the pants are “not in His orders to do that to gain eternal life.”

Frank Goodman, a Dadeville city council member, said in a meeting last week, “I prayed about this,” according to the Huffington Post. “I know that God would not go around with pants down,” he said.

Goodman first proposed the ban in 2008, according to the Daily Beast

“Seeing the young boys with pants hanging down, having to walk wide-legged, holding their pants up to keep them from falling down — now it’s gotten real bad,” Goodman told the Daily Beast. “It’s something I couldn’t take no more.”

Councilwoman Stephanie Kelly suggested the additional ban on short clothing on women, saying when women wear the items it leaves “nothing to the imagination … it’s like you’re advertising.”

The ordinance was scheduled to be discussed in the next council meeting.

The saggy pants ban has been implemented in other places, including Jefferson Davis Parish in Louisiana. First-time offenders are given a $50 fine. A similar ordinance was repealed in Ocala, Fla., after a local NAACP branch threatened a lawsuit. They claimed at the time the law targeted young, black men.

Dadeville, Al., has a population of 3,200.

Contact Kristen DeSilva at kdesilva@reviewjournal.com.  Find her on Twitter: @kristendesilva

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