Driver to deputy in traffic stop: ‘No wonder you people get shot’

A Florida woman’s response to being pulled over earlier this month is being criticized after a video showed her telling a deputy, “No wonder you people get shot.”

The driver, 62-year-old Joy Feinberg, was allegedly driving 51 mph in a 20-mph school zone, according to a statement from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Rick Bradshaw told the Palm Beach Post the officer issued a $606 ticket for speeding in a school zone. 

On Wednesday, the police department posted a one-minute dash-cam video of the interaction as well as a 15-minute version. After Feinberg is heard “begging” in the video, she tells the officer, “You know what? No wonder you people get shot. You’re absolute a——s.”

The officer is heard replying, “OK, thank you, ma’am. I appreciate that.”

Later on in the video she calls the officer a “double a—–e” after she’s told she’ll need to take another driver’s test.

The sheriff’s office tweeted on Wednesday, “Keeping kids safe is a top priority.”

Contact Kristen DeSilva at kdesilva@reviewjournal.com. Find her on Twitter: @kristendesilva


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