Family takes down controversial Halloween display featuring ‘bodies’

After her front yard caused outrage in her neighborhood over her controversial Halloween decorations, Vicki Barrett’s front yard now sits empty after her she decided to take down the display.

She said she was getting too much attention and it made her family feel unsafe.

“I came down one night a little bit after midnight and happened to see stuff flashing in my front yard and looked out my window and our front yard was full of people that we didn’t know,” she said.
FOX 8 first featured Barrett’s Halloween display on Friday. Some people felt it was too gory for children and inappropriate with an elementary school right down the street.

Barrett said they never had any plans to take it down, but she said she had to consider her kids safety.

As for whether they’ll ever decorate for Halloween again, she said probably not.

“I don’t think we even want to do anything. We don’t even want to put up a pumpkin or any of what some people would think are typical Halloween decorations,” she said.

“That’s not the way we want to express it. I think by us decorating this way maybe some people think that we should, would be us caving in and this is not a caving in thing, this is a safety thing for our family,” she explained.

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