Teacher told pre-k student being left-handed is ‘evil’ — VIDEO

A 4-year-old preschooler was forced to start writing with his right hand after his teacher told him left-handedness is commonly associated with evil and the devil.

Zayde’s mother, Alisha Sands, told KFOR she noticed his sudden change in hand use last week while he was working on homework.

“From picking things up to throwing things, to batting, to writing, to just coloring you’d do at home with him, he’s always, always used his left hand,” she said.

When she asked Zayde why he was using his right hand all of a sudden, she received quite a startling response from the little boy.

“I just asked, is there anything his teachers ever asked about his hands? And he raises this one and says this one’s bad,” Sands said. 

After sending a note to Zayde’s teacher regarding the situation, his teacher responded by sending an article describing left-handedness as “unlucky,” “evil,” and “sinister.” The article went on to say, “for example, the devil is often portrayed as left-handed.”

Alisha was appalled by the teacher’s response. “It breaks my heart for him, because someone actually believes that, believes my child is evil, because he’s left handed, it’s crazy,” she said.

Alisha took the article to the superintendent, but says the school did not take any disciplinary action against the teacher. “She told them she thought I needed literature on it.”

As such, Zayde will likely transfer to another class. 

Contact Caitlin Lilly at clilly@reviewjournal.com. Find her on Twitter: @caitiesmith

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