Businesses doing well amid pandemic are hiring

We’ve identified six industries that are booming, to the tune of more than 1 million new job openings. These areas are ripe for bridge jobs that can help you make it through the recession.

US, Canada, UK accuse Russia of hacking virus vaccine trials

The three nations alleged Thursday that hacking group APT29, also known as Cozy Bear and said to be part of the Russian intelligence service, is attacking academic and pharmaceutical research institutions involved in coronavirus vaccine development.

Tourists face restrictions amid fears of new virus spikes

With Europe’s summer vacation season kicking into high gear for millions weary of months of lockdown, scenes of drunken British and German tourists on Spain’s Mallorca island ignoring social distancing rules and reports of American visitors flouting quarantine measures in Ireland are raising fears of a resurgence of infections in countries that have battled for months to flatten the COVID-19 curve.

US conducts 2nd execution this week; lawyers said man had dementia

The Supreme Court cleared the way for the execution to take place just hours before, ruling in a 5-4 decision. The four liberal justices dissented, like they did for the first case earlier this week.

US virus cases rise amid new worldwide restrictions

The soaring counts of confirmed infections and a mounting death toll led the mayor of Los Angeles to declare that the nation’s second-largest city is on the verge of resorting to a shutdown of all but essential businesses.