3 words that should be top of mind for every hunter

Keeping game meat cool, clean and dry will make a big difference in the quality of the final product when you serve it up on the dinner table.

Nevada fishing report, July 29, 2020

Striped bass action is picking up along the Colorado River. Chatterbaits and poppers fished from shore are producing great fish.

Virus misinformation proving highly contagious

The phenomenon, unfolding largely on social media, escalated this week when President Donald Trump retweeted a false video about an anti-malaria drug being a cure for the virus and it was revealed that Russian intelligence is spreading disinformation about the crisis through English-language websites.

Nevada adds 870 COVID-19 cases, 21 deaths

The number of new cases was below the daily average of slightly more than 1,058 over the preceding week and was the lowest daily total announced by the agency since July 20.

More help coming, but $600 unemployment bonus will shrink first

A second economic rescue package is on the horizon, one that will likely include another stimulus check, funding for small businesses and schools, additional jobless benefits and more. But as lawmakers debate the finer points, a critical provision of the first relief package is set to expire.