LETTER: Fear the loony left more than the loony right

The loonies on the left have far more power than the loonies on the right, having taken over academia, Big Tech, entertainment and the Democratic Party.

COMMENTARY: An exercise in good government

Despite recent complaints to the contrary, it turns out the Trump administration’s decision to relocate the Bureau of Land Management headquarters from Washington, D.C., to the American West was the epitome of good governance.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: We have lost an American genius

Limbaugh was hated by the left because he was deadly effective in fighting them, and he was feared at times by the Republican establishment — because he could also be deadly effective in fighting it.

Arizona grocery workers worried about unmasked shoppers

A University of Arizona online survey showed that members of a union representing about half the state’s grocery workers said they’re still anxious about customers who won’t wear masks.

Big drop in demand for COVID-19 tests may leave US exposed

Just five weeks ago, Los Angeles County was conducting more than 350,000 weekly coronavirus tests, including at a massive drive-thru site at Dodger Stadium, as health workers raced to contain the worst COVID-19 hotspot in the U.S.

Collapsed roadway by Big Sur set to be replaced

Work to replace a section of roadway along Big Sur that crumbled during a recent storm is set to begin on Monday and is expected to continue until summer, officials said.

US gets 3rd COVID-19 vaccine, Johnson & Johnson shot cleared

The U.S. is getting a third vaccine to prevent COVID-19, as the Food and Drug Administration on Saturday cleared a Johnson & Johnson shot that works with just one dose instead of two.