Relatives of boy found in freezer battle over GoFundMe efforts

Family members of Mason Dominguez, whose body was found in a freezer last week, have created a GoFundMe to raise money for funeral services, while asking people not to donate to fundraiser they say was created by an “estranged” family member.

US added 678K jobs in February in sign of economic health

U.S. employers added a robust 678,000 jobs in February, another gain that underscored the economy’s solid health as the omicron wave fades.

Russia’s war on Ukraine: What you need to know – Day 11

Israel’s prime minister returned from a surprise trip to Russia where he met President Vladimir Putin and discussed the war in Ukraine. Naftali Bennett flew to Moscow on Saturday, where he met the Russian leader for three hours. The trip was made “in coordination and with the blessing” of the Biden administration, according to Bennett’s office.