MLB players accept owners’ offer, full season to be played

The union’s executive board approved the agreement in a 26-12 vote, pending ratification by all players, a person familiar with the balloting said, speaking to The Associated Press.

Highest paying jobs in Las Vegas that require a graduate degree

The best way to guarantee a high return on investment in a graduate degree is to be aware of professions that pay top-dollar for that added educational investment. Keep reading to see where a graduate degree is required—and can earn you the most

Newsom proposes gas tax rebate to combat California gas prices

California residents pay by far the highest price for gasoline in the United States, and Gov. Gavin Newsom has signaled that he is ready to act on this particular issue.

US mask mandate on planes, buses, transit to be extended

The requirement had been set to expire on March 18, but was extended by a month to allow the public health agency time to develop new, more targeted policies.

Mariupol pounded by Russians; massive convoy breaks up

Civilians trapped inside Mariupol desperately scrounged for food and fuel as Russian forces kept up their bombardment of the port city Thursday, while satellite photos showed that a massive Kremlin convoy that had been mired outside the Ukrainian capital split up and fanned out into towns and forests near Kyiv.