Pedestrian killed in east Las Vegas crash

A pedestrian has died after being hit by a car while crossing South Lamb Boulevard Wednesday night, police said Friday.

Gaudin Ford funds refurbishment of Boys & Girls Club game room

The region’s oldest Boys & Girls Club recently unveiled its newly refurbished game room. The refurbishment project was possible through a $35,000 donation from Gaudin Ford.

Is Black Friday shopping really worth it? Follow these tips and it will be

If you woke up asking yourself, “Should I shop on Black Friday?” you should know that according to Finder’s Black Friday Statistics 2022, 41% of Americans say that while Black Friday offers good deals, it’s not always worth the hassle.

What causes babies to spit up, and how much is normal?

Typically, babies spit up after they gulp down some air with breast milk or formula. A baby’s stomach is small and can’t hold a lot, after all.

You are ‘here’: A smoker’s guide to quitting smoking

If you’re a smoker, you may be at the point where you want to stop, but need a guide for how to get from the “here” of smoking to the “there” of not smoking.

What are the differences between acute and chronic pancreatitis?

Simply put, pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. This occurs when digestive enzymes released by the pancreas become active while still in the organ.

Lou Ruvo Center ‘saved my life twice,’ woman says

Gwen Vaughn took care of her mother with Parkinson’s at home until the disease progressed to where Nancy needed to enter a memory care facility. Then Gwen herself was diagnosed with the disease at age 48.