Bicyclist to be remembered at Centennial Subaru cycling event

Las Vegas Centennial Subaru is hosting a cycling event Saturday for “3 Feet for Pete,” a Southern Nevada memorial event in honor of bicyclist Pete Makowski, who was killed in 2013.

Ask the Pediatrician: What is the best 1st sport for kids?

The goal here isn’t to shape every child into a future Olympic swimmer. What kids really benefit from is an early start in basic water skills that prevent drowning and other injuries.

CARTOON: Deep dive

Biden touts his economic policies in a Chicago speech, but just 34 percent approve of his handling of the issue.

CSN president won’t seek to extend contract

Federico Zaragoza, who has served as president since 2018, said he would work through the end of his contract to ensure a smooth transition for the next president.

Brightline West gets funding for California rail stations

The federal government has awarded a $25 million grant to fund construction of two California passenger rail stations that will help link Las Vegas to Los Angeles.