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Tight security greets New Year’s revelers on Las Vegas Strip

Heavy doses of anxiety, security and elation greeted the imminent arrival of 2018 in Las Vegas. A crowd of 330,000 visitors was expected to fill the Strip and Fremont Street downtown, as a record contingent of law enforcement officers kept the peace. This year’s massive outdoor party unfolded in the shadow of the Oct. 1 mass shooting that left 58 people dead. Several people said they came to celebrate in spite of what happened three months ago Monday.

LETTER: The cart before the horse on green energy

You don’t build a house from the top down. Start by strengthening the foundational power grid and Americans may start to believe you are really serious.

LETTER: Biden and democracy

America’s type of democracy is special in that it is achieved via the checks and balances imposed on the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.