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Wayne Newton surprises burglars

Wayne Newton and his wife, Kathleen, arrived at their southeast Las Vegas home shortly before midnight on Wednesday to find two burglars inside their house. The burglars fled and were seen heading north through the property. Las Vegas police quickly set up a perimeter and launched an extensive search of the area, but the suspects were able to escape. It was unclear if the burglars got away with anything of value. Several items, under the watchful eyes of the police, were seen on the ground near the home’s main driveway. Neither Newton, nor his wife, were injured. The Newtons were not available for comment.

LETTER: The cart before the horse on green energy

You don’t build a house from the top down. Start by strengthening the foundational power grid and Americans may start to believe you are really serious.

LETTER: Biden and democracy

America’s type of democracy is special in that it is achieved via the checks and balances imposed on the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.