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Lights FC ignite goalkeeper competition

The Lights FC’s competition in net is heating up. Rancho product Angel Alvarez make his second straight start last Sunday. It was the first time the Lights benched an available Ricardo Ferrino. Ferrino has 41 saves this year, while Alvarez has eight. I know that the competition between us three goalkeepers is great. If Ferrino would’ve played or Thomas would’ve played I know they would’ve done the same or even better than I did.

LETTER: Canaries in the coal mines

Recent acts such as the fatal shooting of a health care CEO in New York and at Trump International in Las Vegas are the symptoms of a failing society. They are the voices of “the canaries in the coal mine,” and we need to listen.

COMMENTARY: Time for post-Sharpton agenda for Black community

In the new Trump era, Black Americans need to move past the politics of victimization and toward the politics of economic opportunity, upward mobility and self-sufficiency.