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The Right Take: Teachers, firefighters facing PERS-induced pay cuts

Yesterday, the Nevada’s Public Employees’ Retirement System increased next year’s
contribution rates for regular employees from 28 percent to 29.25 percent. The contribution rate
for police and fire employees is going from 40.5 percent to 42.5 percent. Employers and
employees split the contribution increases. This means government employees will see a drop in
take home pay while government agencies simultaneously experience cost increases.

LETTER: County commissioners go their own way

Many feel it doesn’t make a difference because our voices are not heard. We just get things shoved down our throats time and time again.

LETTER: A challenge for the president

The question should be: Will Joe Biden be up to leading this country for the next five years?

LETTER: A threat to our children

Washington red ink. As it climbs, we’re saddling future generations with higher and higher tax obligations.