Feb. 10 Girls Basketball Box Scores
February 10, 2009 - 4:49 pm
Basic 47
Foothill 42
Foothill 42
BASIC (47)
Brantner 5, Ross 12, K. Richardson 6, A. Richardson 5, Burns 12, Thomas 7. Totals 16 12-26 47.
Ayala 4, Thummel 10, Monga 9, Starr 7, Higgins 4, Rigon 7. Totals 13 12-16 42.
Basic 12 7 14 14 –47
Foothill 13 8 11 9 –42
Brantner 5, Ross 12, K. Richardson 6, A. Richardson 5, Burns 12, Thomas 7. Totals 16 12-26 47.
Ayala 4, Thummel 10, Monga 9, Starr 7, Higgins 4, Rigon 7. Totals 13 12-16 42.
Basic 12 7 14 14 –47
Foothill 13 8 11 9 –42
Centennial 84
Mojave 43
Mojave 43
Robinson 18, Ireland 1, Hymon 7, Hawkins 2, Reece 12, Cannon 3. Totals 15 12-23 43.
Hayes 14, Byrd 9, Klemz 22, Smith 6, Henderson 6, Daniels 16, Brown 11. Totals 32 13-19 84.
Mojave 7 8 15 13 –43
Centennial 23 16 18 27 –84
Robinson 18, Ireland 1, Hymon 7, Hawkins 2, Reece 12, Cannon 3. Totals 15 12-23 43.
Hayes 14, Byrd 9, Klemz 22, Smith 6, Henderson 6, Daniels 16, Brown 11. Totals 32 13-19 84.
Mojave 7 8 15 13 –43
Centennial 23 16 18 27 –84
Cheyenne 41
Arbor View 20
Arbor View 20
Shields 5, Gardner 4, Valenzuela 3, McFarland 2, Williams 2, Gould 2, Lang 2. Totals 9 2-9 20.
Fluker 8, Glaze 1, Hicks 7, Cameron 6, Ellis 5, Dixon 4, Bosley 4, King 6. Totals 15 11-18 41.
Arbor View 4 4 1 11 –20
Cheyenne 11 11 10 9 –41
Shields 5, Gardner 4, Valenzuela 3, McFarland 2, Williams 2, Gould 2, Lang 2. Totals 9 2-9 20.
Fluker 8, Glaze 1, Hicks 7, Cameron 6, Ellis 5, Dixon 4, Bosley 4, King 6. Totals 15 11-18 41.
Arbor View 4 4 1 11 –20
Cheyenne 11 11 10 9 –41
Cimarron-Memorial 51
Legacy 45
Legacy 45
Irving 9, Madison 6, Poole 15, Manley 12, Murray 3. Totals 18 8-13 45.
Simpson 2, Carter 8, Wyre 25, Baptista 2, White 4, Alcala 10. Totals 19 11-17 51.
Legacy 10 7 15 13 –45
Cimarron 11 13 10 17 –51
Irving 9, Madison 6, Poole 15, Manley 12, Murray 3. Totals 18 8-13 45.
Simpson 2, Carter 8, Wyre 25, Baptista 2, White 4, Alcala 10. Totals 19 11-17 51.
Legacy 10 7 15 13 –45
Cimarron 11 13 10 17 –51
Coronado 54
Tech 50
Tech 50
TECH (50)
Phillips 20, Heredia 1, C. Harless 15, J. Harless 10, Donald 4. Totals 18 9-17 50.
Trost 6, L. Decker 12, Rapp 15, Ruffino 6, Whitaker 13, Smith 2. Totals 19 16-19 54.
Tech 16 11 8 15 –50
Coronado 8 9 19 18 –54
Phillips 20, Heredia 1, C. Harless 15, J. Harless 10, Donald 4. Totals 18 9-17 50.
Trost 6, L. Decker 12, Rapp 15, Ruffino 6, Whitaker 13, Smith 2. Totals 19 16-19 54.
Tech 16 11 8 15 –50
Coronado 8 9 19 18 –54
Desert Pines 69
Rancho 34
Rancho 34
Momodu 5, Coleman 8, Williams 4, Torres 1, Branch 14, Thompson 2. Totals 10 12-24 34.
Walker 23, Boyles 7, Bell 2, Glasper 2, Davis 21, Jefferson 14. Totals 29 8-18 69.
Rancho 3 8 10 13 –34
Desert Pines 19 13 19 18 –69
Momodu 5, Coleman 8, Williams 4, Torres 1, Branch 14, Thompson 2. Totals 10 12-24 34.
Walker 23, Boyles 7, Bell 2, Glasper 2, Davis 21, Jefferson 14. Totals 29 8-18 69.
Rancho 3 8 10 13 –34
Desert Pines 19 13 19 18 –69
Eldorado 64
Chaparral 30
Chaparral 30
Hewing 6, Ingram 13, Jervis 15, Powell 4, Evans 6, Lyons 2, Lafayette 18. Totals 28 5-16 64.
Vega 7, Bishop 2, Pierce 6, Lockett 4, Shorter 6, Hernandez 3. Totals 11 7-17 30.
Eldorado 8 17 28 11 –64
Chaparral 7 9 6 8 –30
Hewing 6, Ingram 13, Jervis 15, Powell 4, Evans 6, Lyons 2, Lafayette 18. Totals 28 5-16 64.
Vega 7, Bishop 2, Pierce 6, Lockett 4, Shorter 6, Hernandez 3. Totals 11 7-17 30.
Eldorado 8 17 28 11 –64
Chaparral 7 9 6 8 –30
Faith Lutheran 52
Lake Mead 21
Lake Mead 21
Bakken 6, McCourt 4, Green 2, Goynes 4, Bibbins 14, Pullmann 4, Kronschnabel 4, White 2, Posey 4, Mayo 8. Totals 22 8-14 52.
Baker 4, Liston 2, Louder 2, Zumaran 2, Clarke 4, Dean 6, Hillenbrand 1. Totals 10 1-4 21.
Faith Lutheran 8 14 14 16 –52
Lake Mead 8 2 3 8 –21
Bakken 6, McCourt 4, Green 2, Goynes 4, Bibbins 14, Pullmann 4, Kronschnabel 4, White 2, Posey 4, Mayo 8. Totals 22 8-14 52.
Baker 4, Liston 2, Louder 2, Zumaran 2, Clarke 4, Dean 6, Hillenbrand 1. Totals 10 1-4 21.
Faith Lutheran 8 14 14 16 –52
Lake Mead 8 2 3 8 –21
Green Valley 68
Del Sol 39
Del Sol 39
Pickus 14, Mosley 7, Decorte 2, Christenson 5, Jarvis 21, Robinson 6, Flippen 4, Aughney 2, Mack 7. Totals 23 22-33 68.
DEL SOL (39)
Romero 4, Chischillie 4, Austin 22, Zaro 5, Ivy 2. Totals 13 11-15 39.
Green Valley 22 15 19 12 –68
Del Sol 8 10 6 15 –39
Pickus 14, Mosley 7, Decorte 2, Christenson 5, Jarvis 21, Robinson 6, Flippen 4, Aughney 2, Mack 7. Totals 23 22-33 68.
DEL SOL (39)
Romero 4, Chischillie 4, Austin 22, Zaro 5, Ivy 2. Totals 13 11-15 39.
Green Valley 22 15 19 12 –68
Del Sol 8 10 6 15 –39
Las Vegas 45
Canyon Springs 42
Canyon Springs 42
Johnson 13, Melton 4, Jackson 8, Matthews 10, Bernard 4, Zanin 6. Totals 16 12-37 45.
Peterson 2, Johnson 6, Sh. Thomas 4, Terry 2, Sk. Thomas 10, Brooks 2, Wright 6, Broadus 10. Totals 15 10-24 42.
Las Vegas 6 17 14 8 –45
Canyon Springs 14 6 8 14 –42
Johnson 13, Melton 4, Jackson 8, Matthews 10, Bernard 4, Zanin 6. Totals 16 12-37 45.
Peterson 2, Johnson 6, Sh. Thomas 4, Terry 2, Sk. Thomas 10, Brooks 2, Wright 6, Broadus 10. Totals 15 10-24 42.
Las Vegas 6 17 14 8 –45
Canyon Springs 14 6 8 14 –42
Mountain View 49
The Meadows 24
The Meadows 24
Markwardt 16, Marshall 12, Marruffo 8, Riley 6, Gonzales 2, Bell 2, Kirk 2, Holliday 1. Totals 21 3-7 49.
Chakmak 7, Lopez 4, Bronstein 4, Aziz 4, Sharma 3, Cobb 2. Totals 11 2-6 24.
Mountain View 16 12 13 8 –49
The Meadows 7 6 2 9 –24
Markwardt 16, Marshall 12, Marruffo 8, Riley 6, Gonzales 2, Bell 2, Kirk 2, Holliday 1. Totals 21 3-7 49.
Chakmak 7, Lopez 4, Bronstein 4, Aziz 4, Sharma 3, Cobb 2. Totals 11 2-6 24.
Mountain View 16 12 13 8 –49
The Meadows 7 6 2 9 –24
Needles (Calif.) 69
Agassi Prep 35
Agassi Prep 35
Laswell 3, Ramos 3, McGee 4, Chavira 7, Brackett 14, Chandler 12, Cairns 5, Arthur 6, Dick 11. Totals 29 6-10 69.
Gilroy 6, Burrell 10, Clark 7, Chavez 12. Totals 16 0-3 35.
Needles 16 18 18 14 –69
Agassi Prep 4 11 12 8 –35
Laswell 3, Ramos 3, McGee 4, Chavira 7, Brackett 14, Chandler 12, Cairns 5, Arthur 6, Dick 11. Totals 29 6-10 69.
Gilroy 6, Burrell 10, Clark 7, Chavez 12. Totals 16 0-3 35.
Needles 16 18 18 14 –69
Agassi Prep 4 11 12 8 –35
Palo Verde 57
Shadow Ridge 26
Shadow Ridge 26
Tatum 4, Moreno 5, Slocum 5, Lawson 8, Carlson 2, Pagala 2. Totals 9 5-12 26.
Ameli 4, Henderson 19, Sawicki 2, Lay 6, Kiley 14, Wayne 8, Brunner 4. Totals 23 5-10 57.
Shadow Ridge 3 14 5 4 –26
Palo Verde 11 13 23 10 –57
Tatum 4, Moreno 5, Slocum 5, Lawson 8, Carlson 2, Pagala 2. Totals 9 5-12 26.
Ameli 4, Henderson 19, Sawicki 2, Lay 6, Kiley 14, Wayne 8, Brunner 4. Totals 23 5-10 57.
Shadow Ridge 3 14 5 4 –26
Palo Verde 11 13 23 10 –57
Silverado 53
Liberty 50
Liberty 50
Meyers 4, Evans 12, Thielges 4, Lainhart 9, Collins 24. Totals 16 17-20 53.
Delgado 13, Baker 2, Cochran 9, Washington 9, Whitehead 11, Nacua 6. Totals 20 5-11 50.
Silverado 17 14 2 20 –53
Liberty 12 12 13 13 –50
Meyers 4, Evans 12, Thielges 4, Lainhart 9, Collins 24. Totals 16 17-20 53.
Delgado 13, Baker 2, Cochran 9, Washington 9, Whitehead 11, Nacua 6. Totals 20 5-11 50.
Silverado 17 14 2 20 –53
Liberty 12 12 13 13 –50