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North Las Vegas police investigating ‘gruesome’ homicide scene

North Las Vegas police checking on a mother and daughter reported missing discovered a “gruesome” homicide scene inside a northeast valley home on Monday that has investigators questioning how many bodies are involved.

“Investigators sometimes have more questions than answers,” said Sgt. Chrissie Coon on Monday afternoon, noting that detectives had been in the house for 13 hours and would likely be there longer investigating the “magnitude of evidence” on scene. “Without going into great detail, there is a lot of evidence.”

Coon wouldn’t describe the nature of the scene but said the Clark County coroner has made two trips to remove human remains from the home in the 6100 block of Stibor Street, near Lamb Boulevard and Tropical Parkway.

“We do not believe this is a random act of violence,” said Coon, adding that investigators have not identified a suspect in the case.

Police have not confirmed the identity of the victim or victims and are waiting for the coroner to make that determination, she said. Police were originally concerned for the mother, 53, and daughter, 33, on Friday night when family and friends called with concerns about their safety and whereabouts. Police had stopped by the house multiple times since then, never going inside because officers didn’t have reason to suspect immediate danger or concerns for safety that would give police reason to search the home.

Police became more concerned as the calls continued and the women remained missing for about a week, not posting anything on social media or contacting anyone during that time, Coon said. Officers went to the home about 2:30 a.m. Monday after receiving more information. Coon wouldn’t reveal why families and friends believed the mother and daughter were in danger or what information prompted the Monday visit.

When police arrived at the home this time though, they discovered the back door open. Officers went inside and found what they “believed” to be a body and more remains of possibly a second victim in a “pretty gruesome homicide” dating back a few days or possibly a week, Coon said. North Las Vegas police did not release photos or the identities of the missing women on Monday but plan to provide an update on the investigation this morning, Coon said.

Contact Trevon Milliard at tmilliard@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0279. Follow @TrevonMilliard on Twitter.

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