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Plenty to admire about singer Justin Bieber, performing at MGM

Are you a Belieber?

If you're looking up the term right about now via the Urban Dictionary website, where there are 31 definitions spread out over five pages, then most likely not. Here's one entry from the site: "A 'belieber' is a fan girl of teeny bopper sensation Justin Bieber. They are usually 10 to 15 years old. A lot of them spend most of their life on Twitter where they:

■ Tweet about how much they love Justin Bieber

■ Shout-out other "beliebers"

■ Use a lot of tags like #ifollowback or #teamfollowback."

Here's another: "A fan of Justin Bieber that has a taste of music similar to that of the flavor of cow feces. Any believer of Justin Bieber have (sic) an IQ that creates a new category in the IQ chart below Profound Mental Retardation and is a negative number or beyond."

As you can see, not everyone thinks Bieber is the Biebs knees.

But really, why is he so polarizing?

The guy's a pop piñata whom people clamor to take a whack at like nerds lining up to buy the new iPhone.

But does Bieber really deserve all the ire directed at him, especially online, where there are dozens of sites devoted simply to ridiculing the pixieish Canadian singer, often comparing him unfavorably to a woman?

We don't think so.

And so with Bieber coming to Vegas we're coming to his defense.

Here are but a few of the many reasons why you should "Beliebe" in the dude.


William Faulker was close to 30 when he published his first novel.

Justin Bieber, age 18, already has a pair of books on the shelves.


The Biebs: 2

Greatest American author of all time: 0

Bieber began his foray into literature with international best-seller (seriously) "Justin Bieber: First Step to Forever: My Story," followed up by the recently released "Just Getting Started," both of which are chockablock with Bieberlicious insights.

Did you know, for instance, that singers aren't supposed to have any dairy products before a show because it builds up phlegm in the throat, but Bieber eats pizza anyway because he doesn't give a damn about your rules?

And that's just from his first book.

As for assessing the second, we'll defer to a greater authority, one "Mrs. Bieber," who posted this review on Amazon.com: "best book ever i love it and i LOVEEEEEE justin congrats to my husban....xoxo he is the coolest guy ever i wish him good luck his BELIEVE TOUR."


Spinal Tap, Sonic Youth, Tom Jones, The Ramones, James Brown, Johnny Cash, Metallica - the creators of "The Simpsons" hardly ever pick artists that suck to be immortalized on their show.

Yeah, there are those Kid Rock and Ted Nugent appearances, which are akin to regrettable, walk of shame hookups usually catalyzed by too much Jagermeister and too little bar lighting.

But they're the exception to a well-curated cavalcade of musical cameos akin to an animated version of a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

And now Bieber is set to join this illustrious group in an upcoming episode titled "The Fabulous Faker Boy."

That's quite an endorsement.

Can Luciano Pavarotti say that?


It's official: Justin Bieber is greater than Luciano Pavarotti.


We know, right?


At age 12, Bieber was posting homemade videos of himself on YouTube, which began to garner tens of thousands of views, eventually catching the eye of his future manager, who would help get him a deal.

Up yours, "Star Search."

Seriously, though, that's an inspiring story for musicians of any stripe.

That an artist - stop laughing, Bieber can sing - can create his own videos, begin to develop a fan base organically and then have the industry come to him is really the way it should be but seldom has been.

The guy built his audience from the grass-roots level.

Some may begrudge Bieber his fame, but it's hard to begrudge how he cultivated it.

Simply put, he's earned the right to delight, and annoy, whomever he pleases.

Contact reporter Jason Bracelin at jbracelin@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0476.