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Rage with D.R.I. at Count’s Vamp’d

They're pretty much the cockroaches of crossover, but we mean that in a good way.

The current thrash boom is about to go bust once again for the same reasons it did two decades ago: oversaturation by too many trend-hopping, watered-down wannabes. But when the pretenders go back to their days jobs, the dudes in D.R.I. will inevitably still be racing through 30 or so sardonic, speed-of-light ragers in an hourlong set, keeping a scene alive that others have left for dead.

See D.R.I. at 6 p.m. Thursday at Count's Vamp'd, 6750 W. Sahara Blvd. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 day of show; call 220-8849.