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Web the place for Racine Kringle

Kris Kringle may be just a sweet memory at this time of year, but plenty of readers seem to be thinking about Racine Kringle, and have come to the rescue of Mary K. Kuhn.

Sally Galvin, Elma Sardarian, Neil Ericksen, Gwyn Kohn and Donna Lamma recommended www.OHDanishBakery.com (or call 800-709-4009); Terry Zachow recommended www.Kringle.com (800-432-6474); and Patty Krysiak favors www.BendtsensBakery.com (262-633-0365). Ericksen advised ordering extra because it freezes well. Also, he advised, "Don't order during Las Vegas summers; like, say, a fine chocolate, it will not survive the trip." ...

For Bud Weil, who's looking for fresh or frozen calves' liver at least a half-inch thick, Steve Lang said The Butcher Block, 7625 S. Rainbow Blvd., will slice it as thick as requested. ...

For Don Gordon, Eleanor Vasko, Robert Nathanson and Gloria Gastricone said heavenly hash ice cream is available at Vons. ...

For Ed Ferguson, Babs Bloom e-mailed that Del Monte sweet pickle relish is available in 22-ounce jars at Vons at 45 E. Horizon Ridge Parkway in Henderson. ...

For Patricia Beine, Suzanne Atfield said the Entenmann/Oroweat Bakery Outlet at 2548 Wigwam Parkway in Henderson has Southeastern Mills Gravy, both peppered and turkey flavors. ...

For Rona Mendelson, Jan Visser e-mailed that Ketjap Manis is available at the International Marketplace, 5000 S. Decatur Blvd., and at www.HollandsBest.com. ...

More on smoked eel: Visser e-mailed that Taiwanese smoked eel is available at local sushi spots, and that the "real thing" can be ordered from www.HollandsBest.com. ...

And for those looking for hard-to-find food items, Cin Meanor wrote to note that the Vermont Country Store at VermontCountryStore.com (802-776-5700) may either have them or will try to get them. ...

Here are more reader requests.

Mary Vaughn: a local source for Husmor Fishballs;

Danielle Oshins: Arizona Black and White Tea, which she used to get at 7-Eleven;

Anne Rettenmair: Knorr Fideo Soup Mix;

Leslie Thompson: Kodiak Pancake Mix;

J.J. Sharbaugh: frozen avocado halves, formerly available at Trader Joe's;

And Chelle Alexander: Tyson Buffalo-Style Chicken Tenders, which she used to get at Sam's Club.


Submit information to Heidi Knapp Rinella, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0070. You also can send faxes to 383-4676 or e-mail her at hrinella@reviewjournal.com. Include your first and last names and, if e-mailing, put "Taste of the Town" in the subject line. Because of the volume of mail received, we can't respond to every reader request.