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Let’s develop our own energy resources

To the editor:

In response to the Monday letter from William Mathis:

Yes, there is a national security interest in energy, and it will behoove us to eliminate our current practice of handing over our energy security and hard-earned money to dictators and thugs worldwide for oil and gas.

Most of us in the real world, however, see that the alternative does not have to destroy our economy further, as the ill-advised American Clean Energy and Security Act would do. The United States has the largest reserves of oil, gas and coal in the world, and more expertise in creating clean energy out of those fuels than any other country. We could keep billions of dollars in this country and create thousands, if not millions, of high-paying permanent jobs by just accessing our own resources. If only the political will existed in Washington to allow us to do so.

Although the alternative sources that Obamatons crow about are wonderful in theory and should be pursued, they require much more time and investment to reach the point where they are practical. Skyrocketing utility costs and thousands more jobs lost every week are a recipe for further disaster, and all the Kumbaya singers we have foolishly elected and left in office are ignoring us.

Wouldn't you rather see American money kept in our country and our own people employed and productive?

Therese Ainsworth


Who's the hater?

To the editor:

In response to Teresa Merz's Friday letter asking the Review-Journal to stop carrying Ann Coulter's "hatemonger" column:

Apparently Ms. Merz has not read Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, Frank Rich and Bob Herbert, to name a few hateful mongers. And then there are the cable news hatemongers, i.e. Keith Obermann, Chris Matthews, James Carville and Paul Begala.

Ann Coulter is a breath of fresh air in disproving and rebutting the likes of these hacks. Please keep using her.

Joann Schoch


Tax time

To the editor:

According to Pat Buchanan, "taxes drove the American Revolution ... "

Mr. Buchanan is taking liberties with history if he omits the revolutionary rhetoric which called for no taxation without representation.

I doubt our forebears expected a society in which there were no commonly held interests, and certainly those would have to be supported with taxes.

Symme Benoff


Tesla solar panels will power $12.75M Nevada home

The multimillion-dollar home will feature a “Batcave” style garage in addition to the Tesla solar roof system, the listing agent said.