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If you have to check your Blackberry just to schedule some time to exhale, you are definitely a woman on the go.

Between career, kids and social functions, there just isn't enough time in the day for you. Luckily, the fashion industry has taken note of your busy lifestyle.

Sportswear now swiftly translates to the streets. Sleepwear quickly converts to casual venues. Even office attire turns into sassy cocktail duds in a snap.

"It's all about the right accessories," says Alexa Rizk, fashion communication director for Dillard's. "Transitional dressing is one of a woman's greatest fashion challenges. If you can master it, then you're doing a great job."

Take a look at how the soccer mom, career woman and college girl can cohesively transition their schedules and wardrobes.

Hello Kitty truck returns to Summerlin for 1 day only

The truck, which has made multiple visits to the Las Vegas Valley in recent years, stocks a host of Hello Kitty merchandise, from clothing to cookies.

End of an era as shoeshine stands shut down across US

The shoeshining business has been hurt not only by the pandemic, but also by the growing popularity of more casual footwear.