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• Who? Karissa Muñoz of Henderson

• Location: Boulevard Mall

• Handbag: Hello Kitty satchel

• Are handbags status symbols? Yes, they can be. It depends on where you're at and what kind of bag it is. People usually notice quality.

• What does this bag say about you? It says I'm girly and cute.

• If someone found your bag and looked inside, what would they think about you? That I'm responsible and hard working.

• What's the most important item you've ever carried in your bag? My checks

• What's the strangest? Toothbrush

• Tell us about the first handbag you remember owning. A Coach bag when I was, like, 10.

• Knockoffs: Love 'em or hate 'em? Love them if they look real. Hate them if they don't.

• Image is ... Everything. I'm in the modeling industry and in that industry it really is everything.

• What's in your bag? 1. Coin purse, 2. Ibuprofen, 3. Hello Kitty hand mirror, 4. Camel Crush cigarettes, 5. Birth control pills, 6. Louis Vuitton wallet

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