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• Who: Kim Martin of southwest Las Vegas

• Location: Town Square

• Handbag: Christian Dior satchel bag

• Are handbags status symbols? (Shrugs shoulders) I'm just a Dior whore.

• What does this bag say about you? That I love Christian Dior. It's the only bag I carry. I have three.

• If someone found your bag and looked inside, what would they think? Right now they wouldn't be that impressed. Usually they'd think that I lived on the side of the street out of my purse, there's so much stuff in it.

• What's the most important item in your bag and why? Everything's important. I have, like, 20 credit cards, my license, my phone, which is my life.

• What's the strangest item you've carried in your bag and why? Probably a bottle of alcohol so I could just drink out of it.

• Tell us about the first handbag you remember buying. I remember my parents bought me a Coach when I was 15. I thought I was the coolest thing in the world. I would put my backpack in my locker and carry my purse around school. I'd hold my books in my arms.

• Knockoffs: Love 'em or hate 'em? I would never EVER wear a knockoff. I think they're disgusting because they degrade people that actually want a nice purse when you have people carrying around the hideous version.

• What's in your bag?

1. Stella McCartney perfume vial, 2. Chanel lip gloss, 3. Canon digital camera, 4. Herve Leger hand lotion, 5. Rosebud salve,

6. Trident Xtra Care gum

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