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You're officially four days into 2008. The whole countdown, New Year's kiss and "Auld Lang Syne" croon came and went. All that remains to make the new year official involves a pen, paper and some practical thinking. If the last one tends to fail you year in and year out, allow us to help. We've taken the liberty of compiling a list of New Year's resolutions for you. A new workout program, garage clean out and raise negotiation didn't make the cut. This list consists strictly of the good stuff: fashion and beauty.


"Get rid of your sweat suit," said Allison Berlin, celebrity stylist. With designers such as Norma Kamali and Stella McCartney putting out swoon-worthy lounge and sportswear, you no longer have an excuse to look like a hag on your couch or at the gym. Stop disservicing yourself.

2. brush with love

Clean your makeup brushes. You should make this a regular habit, according to local hair and makeup artist Melissa Conner. "Use shampoo once a month and brush cleaner twice a month," she recommends. For the latter, a product such as Brush Off or Well-Cared-For from Bare Escentuals does the trick. If the bacteria buildup doesn't persuade you to clean your brushes, perhaps this will. "The products build up and your makeup won't blend," Conner added.


Go to bed in style. Head to Victoria's Secret for a lace-trimmed chemise or Target for a charming set of boy shorts and tanks. Just don't let your head hit the pillow in a ratty nightgown or your boyfriend's boxers. He, and you, will be glad you didn't.


Embrace false lashes. Face it, they aren't going anywhere. You may as well jump on the bandwagon or you'll be the only one in the room with flimsy, thin lashes. You can get quality sets at Sally Beauty Supply or head to Neiman Marcus and splurge on a more expensive pair from Shu Uemura. Just be sure to either get instructions or follow them on the back of the box to a "T."


Organize your handbag. If you feel like a bag lady every time you reach into your purse for a business card or lip gloss, you could use a little organization. Berlin recommends the Butler Bag (butlerbag.com). This stylish purse features a compartment for anything and everything you could throw in your purse.

5. shoe on this

Make your shoes last longer. Notice "spend less on shoes" didn't make the list. Instead, make your investment last with the help of sole and heel protectors. Most shoe stores, from Bakers Shoes to Nordstrom, carry these stick-on shoe savers. Some offer them free. Seal them to the bottoms of new shoes and enjoy your obsession for up to twice as long as you would if you didn't.


Commit to a shade of red lipstick. You'll understand this one when the spring beauty trends emerge. For those who think red lips only work well on '50s screen sirens and Gwen Stefani, think again. A trip to Sephora will quickly disprove that theory. Conner advises that warm-toned women should wear a true, orangey red and cool-toned women should lean toward reds with blue undertones. Pucker up.


Choose your trends wisely. Do not try to do them all or you'll wind up looking like an overindulged pre-teen. Berlin recommends cherry-picking one or two and sticking with them. Be sure, she advises, your selections work with your personal style and flatter your figure. For example, if large thighs plague you, pass on the skinny jeans.


Learn another hairstyle. Even if the one style you've mastered turns heads, it will eventually inspire yawns if you do it every day for the next year. And when we say hairstyle, we emphasize style. Ponytails don't count. The easiest way to ensure your look doesn't get boring is to pick up a medium barrel curling iron and ceramic flat iron. "Both will give you variety," Conner said.


Indulge in lingerie. You won't find a better way to feel sexy 24/7 than a nice bra and panty set. Don't, pardon the pun, skimp on this one or you'll end up an itchy mess. Think Agent Provocateur or La Perla because this resolution is for you and no one else.


Professionally shape your brows. A nicely shaped brow will completely alter your face for the better. With all the options you have -- tweezers, wax, thread -- you can't keep making excuses. Simply ask a friend whose brows you covet for the name and number of her artist, and book an appointment. Or just pick up a reliable brow kit, such as Anastasia's numerous versions.


Invest in those investment pieces. You know what they are and you also know what they cost, which could explain why you've put it off all these years. Berlin, who styles one of the most recognizable stylists there is -- Stacy London -- recommends starting with three key pieces. "A great fitting pair of black pants, a perfect white blouse and a nice jacket or blazer" will get you off on the right foot.


Never go to bed without removing your makeup. It takes five minutes, if that, to avoid this. Remove, cleanse and rinse. Done. Use an oil-free remover from Neutrogena or Clean and Sober by Urban Decay to take makeup off. Brands from Cetaphil to MD Skincare offer sufficient cleansers.


Befriend a good tailor. If you have no idea where to start, you can't go wrong asking your best-dressed friend for a recommendation. You'll be glad you did. "Especially if you're a hard fit," Berlin said, citing petite and large-busted women. "It's the only way to make your clothes really look good on you."


Apply SPF daily. "If you don't do it, it's a vicious cycle," Conner said. The hyperpigmentation and sun damage come first, then the over-application of foundation, then the clogged pores and breakouts. It doesn't end. Wouldn't it be easier to slather on an SPF of at least 15 every morning?


Clean your closet. We saved the most-bemoaned resolution for last. Before you shrug it off, consider Berlin's three simple steps for closet cleaning. 1. If you haven't worn it in 12 to 18 months, let it go. 2. Get rid of plastic bags or dry cleaning cases so you can keep everything you need in sight. 3. Inject a boutique feel with color-coordination.

Contact fashion reporter Xazmin Garza at xgarza@reviewjournal.com or (702) 383-0477.

Hello Kitty truck returns to Summerlin for 1 day only

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