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West Virginia senator calls to establish online gambling rules

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., is looking to shift the debate on the deficit away from cuts to social programs, instead focusing on ending tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy.

Rockefeller proposed 18 ideas he says would cut $1.29 trillion from the deficit over the next decade, saying it's "time to call out those who have been skirting the system."

"There's a lot of talk about reducing the deficit and cutting spending, but we have seen very few specific ideas, especially when it comes to revenues," Rockefeller said in a statement. "The American people are willing to make some sacrifices to help secure a better future by reducing the deficit, but hose who are struggling cannot shoulder the burden themselves and it's shameful to suggest otherwise."

Among his ideas: Establishing online gambling regulations that will protect consumers, state's rights and state sovereignty, and eliminate a huge illegal market that today benefits only companies and countries oversees.

The veteran senator estimates legalizing Internet gambling would save an estimated $41.8 billion over the next decade and provide an estimated
$30 billion for states.

Durango adds parking to phase two plans

A spokesperson said the updated development plans adjust for forecasted parking demand in the future expansion. It would add about 2,200 spaces in future phases.