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National park advocates want NV Energy lines limited

The hard work that’s gone into proposing a new national park to protect Ice Age fossils and rare plants in northwest Las Vegas might be erased if more power lines are allowed to cross the park area, backers of the park said Thursday.

Southern Nevada businesses pursue eco-friendly cost-savings measures

Green, the catchall eco-conscious term, increasingly means greenbacks for businesses. Companies are eagerly climbing aboard the sustainability bandwagon, as record unemployment, sluggish job growth and frozen credit markets sap business.

Nevada shows powerful potential

Sure, Nevada’s practically all desert, but in one area, the Silver State claims some of the greenest pastures on Earth. For green-energy potential, few places beat Nevada.

Green energy push could cripple U.S. economy

To the editor: I really was thrilled to see that going green is going to be extremely expensive for NV Energy and in turn for us, the consumers (Review-Journal, Thursday). This is only the beginning as more and more energy companies are forced by our government to use expensive substitutes for all the natural resources the United States has.

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