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Reid’s hometown rejects wind power? Oh my!

To the editor:

I find it both ironic and amusing that the town of Searchlight does not want wind power there (Review-Journal, Friday). Searchlight is the home of Sen. Harry Reid, who has been a big supporter of renewable energy in Nevada. Also, he recently put on a big show backing wind power with some heavy hitters. Even Sen. Ted Kennedy was pushing for wind power -- but not in Massachusetts. Where, then?

If the powers that be realized that solar is the way to go, Nevada and Arizona could supply all of the states. That may dislocate some things like the pupfish, snails and other poor critters, but it would benefit the rest of us and wean us off our dependency on foreign oil.

Vernon F. Pechous


Thanks a lot

To the editor:

Thank you, Rep. Dina Titus, for voting against your constituents and your district when you supported cap-and-trade legislation.

I will remember this every time I pay a higher electric bill or gasoline bill -- every time I see Las Vegas suffering because we will be disproportionately "nuked" by this tax (we're as electricity-dependent as we are water-dependent).

Also, thank you for taking your phone off the hook so I could not call you to encourage you to vote for your constituents and your district and against cap-and-trade.

Thank you for making my life more costly, putting my community more at risk of economic failure, and favoring more government control in my life.

Thank you for voting for a bill you hadn't read and couldn't have read.

Thank you for representing us so well.

Ned Barnett

Lynn Barnett


Right thing

To the editor:

I want to congratulate Glenn Cook on his Sunday (June 28) column pointing out so well the real hypocrites in our political class. I was on active duty in the military when the Lewinsky scandal broke, and was convinced the president would -- must -- resign. We know how that turned out.

As someone who actually paid my nanny taxes, I am still appalled that a man could not only receive information in writing that he must pay taxes -- and a check to reimburse him -- yet not only fail to pay but become secretary of the Treasury -- and head of the IRS.

I try to trust in what I tell my kids: That someday, doing the right thing will matter again, and you want to be there, in the right place, when it happens. I hope it comes around in their lifetime.

Kyle Burton


Heat control

To the editor:

It must have been a slow local news day on Saturday when this newspaper included a full-length article about the over-the-top, incendiary remarks of three individuals who "did not criticize the academics [at West Prep] nor do they have children who attend [the school]." I suspect that any school in the district that decided to add 10 grade levels during a short period of time would make use of portable classrooms. Although they are not aesthetically pleasing, portables are comparable to classrooms that are in school buildings.

They have one important advantage, however: On-site temperature control. The temperature controls of all three Clark County School District schools at which I have worked have been off-site. The students, teachers and administrators have no control over the temperature in the rooms and hallways, and school administrators have to spend time begging district officials to adjust the school's temperature while redirecting teachers and students in the hottest areas to classrooms where the temperature can be controlled on site -- the portables.



Easy call

To the editor:

Would someone please explain to me in layman's terms why the U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding the white firefighters was not unanimous? If everybody takes the same exam and the top 10 firefighters in terms of score happen to be all white, why were they denied promotion?

Could it be that we must have different exams for all races? One must draw one's own conclusion that they be based on a color-coded ratio. Black easier, Brown medium, White hard. Then do we say the exam was fair?

This viewpoint is grossly unfair to all participants. Whether you are red, white or blue should not be a consideration for advancement -- only those who pass the exam at the top of the class should be considered for promotion, regardless of color, creed or gender.

Do we not demand that the firefighters be led by competent and well-qualified individuals who understand emergencies and can be counted on when the time is needed?