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Report criticizes Fannie, Freddie pay

WASHINGTON – A government report finds median pay for nearly 2,000 senior managers at government-controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac exceeded $200,000 last year.

Boomerang buyers who lost it all see life after foreclosure

Greg Bailey is at the leading edge of a growing demographic: boomerang buyers, or locals who lost their home to foreclosure or short sale, but are jumping back into the market just two to three years after default.

New-home sales fall; earlier sales revised downward

WASHINGTON – U.S. sales of new homes fell slightly in October, and September sales were slower than initially thought. The October sales pace was dragged lower by steep declines on the East Coast, partly related to Superstorm Sandy.

Local evictions dropping, but Las Vegas still leads nation

Las Vegas leads the nation in evictions, attracting national and international media attention. Through October, the Las Vegas constable’s office had served 17,365 evictions, which is on pace to fall far short of the 36,987 evictions in 2011.

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