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Gov. Lombardo testifies in Michele Fiore’s federal wire fraud trial

Governor Joe Lombardo took the witness stand on Monday, answering tense questions from Michele Fiore’s defense attorney in her trial on wire fraud and conspiracy charges.

The governor is one of multiple high-profile donors that prosecutors said gave money to Fiore for the construction of a statue honoring a fallen Metropolitan Police Department officer. Fiore, a former Las Vegas councilwoman who recently served as a Pahrump justice of the peace, is accused of then using that money on personal expenses.

“Are you looking for help?” Fiore’s attorney, Michael Sanft, asked when the governor pointedly looked towards federal prosecutors while being questioned.

“Yeah I’m looking for help,” Lombardo said. “…I’m failing to understand why I’m being asked these questions when I’m a victim.”

Sanft questioned Lombardo about his decision-making process while donating to political campaigns. He also questioned Lombardo about how he used money left over from his campaigns for Clark County sheriff in order to run for governor, a process that is allowed in state law.

Lombardo told Sanft that the donation he made for the statue came from his campaign account, not his personal money.

“Technically, you’re not the victim here, right?” Sanft said.

“I don’t understand the question,” Lombardo answered.

Lombardo declined to speak with a reporter, after he testified for about 30 minutes.

Fiore is accused of raising tens of thousands of dollars for a statue to honor Metro officer Alyn Beck, who was killed with his partner in 2014, and then spending the money on personal expenses such as rent, plastic surgery and payments for her daughter’s wedding.

Fiore pleaded not guilty after she was indicted in July on charges of wire fraud and conspiracy.

Prosecutors on Monday showed jurors a $5,000 check that Lombardo’s campaign sent to Fiore’s PAC, Future for Nevadans.

Lombardo recalled that Fiore told him she was raising money for the Alyn Beck statue.

Later in the day, an FBI agent who analyzed Fiore’s bank records testified that she tracked the deposited donation from Lombardo to a rent payment Fiore made on the same day. The agent testified that after Lombardo’s donation was sent to the PAC account, the amount was then transferred to Fiore’s daughter’s account, which was then used to purchase a money order for Fiore’s rent.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Contact Katelyn Newberg at knewberg@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0240.