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Coroner to assist families of those killed in Las Vegas shooting

No details surrounding the autopsy of the Las Vegas mass shooting killer will be released until police finish their investigation, county coroner John Fudenberg said during a press conference Thursday morning.

Fudenberg also refused to disclose whether an autopsy of Mesquite resident Stephen Paddock, 64, had begun.

He did, however, tell reporters that his office finished identifying the 58 victims killed in the shooting about 9:30 p.m. Wednesday night. An official report confirming the identities of the dead is expected to be released later today.

“We’ve already released some of the decedents to the local area mortuaries,” Fudenberg said.

Immediate relatives of the dead can also receive a number of services from the coroner’s office. Fudenberg said those include help coordinating with local mortuaries, obtaining a death certificate and transporting decedents home.

The office is at 1704 Pinto Lane, Las Vegas. A hotline for relatives of the dead can be reached at (702) 455-4281.

Contact Michael Scott Davidson at sdavidson@reviewjournal.com or 702-477- 3861. Follow @davidsonlvrj on Twitter.