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Readers add flavor to snow cones

Yes, it's definitely snow cone weather. Linda Morelli e-mailed that she had purchased a machine to make them but needed the syrups, and her fellow readers were eager to share that information.

Richard Markus and Joan Justi e-mailed that they can be found at most Smart & Final stores, Linda Gannon suggested Cost Plus World Market at 3890 Blue Diamond Road (there's another Cost Plus at 2151 N. Rainbow Blvd.) and Lois Growney suggested both stores and noted that the syrups also are available in sugar-free flavors. ...

For Jan Schwartz, who's looking for Dreyer's Swiss Orange Sherbet, Bev Greer e-mailed that she found it at Smith's at 3850 E. Flamingo Road and also at Albertsons, and Penny Lumb found it at Wal-Mart Supercenter. ...

For Linda Gardner, who's looking for Mezzetta Napa Valley Bistro Gourmet Olives, John Downing suggested she order directly from the company at www.Mezzetta.com (or call 800-941-7044), which is how he obtains the habanero hot sauce he can no longer find locally. "The price, even with shipping, is still below the usual charge at a store," he added. ...

For Leroy Caffey, who's looking for crowder peas, Beverly Rulli reported finding them at Albertsons at 2650 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway; she also suggested Wal-Mart Supercenters. ...

For Mary Kay Tjarden, Lori Beasley e-mailed that microwave hull-less popcorn can be ordered at www. AmishCountryPopcorn.com (or call 260-589-8513). ...

More on liver and onions: Carole J. Bixler recommended The Longhorn at 5288 N. Boulder Highway. ...

More reader requests:

Bixler: a local source for Snyder's potato chips;

Maureen Ely: markets that freshly roast green chilies;

Pat Montgomery: a local source for Paula Deen Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, which she recently found at Big Lots;

Scott Rollman: very hot beef Italian sausage;

Robert Duggan: gray corned beef;

Gerry Petuya: ginger ice cream;

Anna Deardorff: a local source for King Syrup;

Chris Cooke: plain macadamia nut ice cream, and "good" sourdough bread, similar to that sold at the San Francisco airport;

Edward T. Hammer: a restaurant that serves good osso buco;

Janice Brown: Gardein Garden Protein Santa Fe Good Stuff and BBQ Skewers, which she used to get at Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market;

Diane Johnson: burnt peanuts candy;

And Robert Crowton: reader suggestions for an authentic Filipino restaurant, preferably in the southwest part of the valley.


Submit information to Heidi Knapp Rinella, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0070. You also can send faxes to 383-4676 or e-mail her at hrinella@reviewjournal.com. Include your first and last names and, if e-mailing, put "Taste of the Town" in the subject line. Because of the volume of mail received, we can't respond to each request.