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Readers seek Chinese food, bagel dogs

Regular readers of Taste of the Town know that we tend to run, give or take, about a six-month backlog for requests. The file's getting particularly fat right now, so let's clear some out:

Alaina Ross is looking for restaurants that sell Massachusetts-style Chinese food, which she describes as a Polynesian/Cantonese blend. ...

Donna Dahlberg is looking for bagel dogs, either mini or regular size. ...

Darlene Gerson is looking for Cape Cod Dark Russet Potato Chips, peppermint ice cream and restaurants that serve chicken and dumplings. ...

Felicia Galati is looking for Santal Red Orange Juice, a Parmalat-brand product from Italy. ...

Beverly Wiley is looking for Sara Lee potato bread. ...

Terry Williams is looking for a local bakery that makes Swedish Flop. ...

Karen Finnegan is looking for Sabrett hot dogs, which she used to get at Albertsons, or a cart vendor who sells them. ...

Richard Hopper is looking for a restaurant that serves beignets at breakfast. ...

Margot Guenther is looking for a local source for red currants, canned or in a jar. ...

Suzette Scott is looking for old-fashioned spun cotton candy, not the kind sold in bags or tubs. ...

Diana Adair is looking for bresaola, and for a restaurant that serves a crispy chicken salad similar to one that was served at the late Chin's at the Fashion Show mall. ...

Judy Vanderhorst is looking for Krusteaz Fat Free Cornbread Mix. ...

Shelly Brundydge is looking for Eckrich Smoked Sausage. ...

Doris Wisher is looking for Siljans traditional whole rye crisp bread. ...

Elizabeth Edwards is looking for pan-fried chicken, similar to what the Hill Top House used to serve. ...

Nancy Pierce-Rogowski is looking for local restaurants that serve side pork -- not salt pork -- as an alternative to bacon. ...

Carmen Bernasconi is looking for Goya tomato sauce without salt, and green plantains. ...

Pete Nicastro is on the lookout for Thomas' Corn Toast-R-Cakes. ...

Gail Amkin is looking for Kraft Spaghetti Classics, which she used to get at Wal-Mart. ...

Anne McConnell is looking for English muffins that are not fork-split -- that she has to cut herself -- with a dense texture without so many nooks and crannies. ...

Mary Stover is looking for angel-food cake mixes that require the cook to beat the dried egg whites separately. ...

Bianca Granata-Ronald is looking for scormosa cheese. ...

Joan McMaken is looking for a bakery or other source that sells dessert empanadas, especially pineapple. ...

Rick Thompson is looking for cherry-nut ice cream. ...

Marlene Wilt is looking for Le Carb ice cream in cinnamon and lemon flavors. ...

And for her friend, Mike Durkin, Wilt is looking for butterscotch ice cream.


Submit information to Heidi Knapp Rinella, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0070. You also can send faxes to 383-4676 or e-mail her at hrinella@ reviewjournal.com. Include your first and last names and, if e-mailing, put "Taste of the Town" in the subject line. Because of the volume of mail received, we can't respond to each request.