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Las Vegas to get a nightly double-shot of ‘Absinthe’

Can you have too much “Absinthe?”

The Gazillionaire, production company Spiegelwold and Caesars Palace are betting on, “No.”

The hit show at the Spiegeltent at Roman Plaza is going full-tilt with a two-show, seven-day-per-week schedule beginning May 14.

The show had previously been dark on Mondays and Tuesdays. The no-break schedule is unique in the history of Strip production shows. Even productions that have run multiple shows every day of the week have gone dark for vacation. Not “Absinthe.” The show times will remain 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., but now nightly.

“The Gazillionaire’s idea of playing seven days a week, two shows a day is genius,” says Spiegelworld founder and self-proclaimed “Impresario Extraordinaire” Ross Mollison, who is so closely aligned to his show’s host the two seem to share a persona. “Never in Las Vegas history has a show played fourteen shows a week, every week of the year, making ‘Absinthe’ Las Vegas’s Las Vegiest show.”

The Caesars exec who helped bring “Absinthe” to Las Vegas fully supports the bolstered schedule.

“Extending ‘Absinthe’s’ schedule to seven days a week is just the latest triumph for the madcap, thrilling and hysterical show in a tent that we took a shot on seven years ago,” says Gary Selesner, regional president of Caesars Palace. “The secret is the show can be seen time and time again, as it is continually evolving with new and fascinating acts. In addition, the compelling show captures and provides the perfect escape from our daily lives. We are excited to welcome even more guests to the Spiegeltent and look forward to many more years together.”

Selling upwards of 6,000 tickets per week, “Absinthe” has been an unqualified success since it moved into its permanent Spiegeltent after a six-month test run in the spring of 2011.

The show threw a knuckleball at its fans, and even cast members, by celebrating its seventh anniversary at the Spiegeltent on Friday night. But the event, replete with a post-show anniversary cake, was staged for a taping of Food Network’s “Vegas Cakes” series, set for airing in early April.

The actual anniversary will be marked on or near the actual April 1 date, leading to the updated performance schedule.

To satisfy the need for additional acts to fill out that new schedule, “Absinthe” is hosting an open casting call for Las Vegas specialty performers on Feb. 6 at an “undisclosed location” in town (Interested parties should e-mail auditions@spiegelworld.com).

Speaking for the company, The Gazillionaire says, “I usually fly around the world every year on the look-out for hot new acts to add to my hit show. However, my private jet is in the shop for extended maintenance so I thought maybe the world’s best talent is sitting right here under my nose. So, show me what you’ve got Vegas!”

The Gaz says “no silks” are permitted to audition, a clear concession to the mishap-marred Cesarean Silk act performed by Ivan and Ivana Chekov-Jones. One day that act will go off without a hitch. Gaz is certainly giving it time.

John Katsilometes’ column runs daily in the A section. Contact him at jkatsilometes@reviewjournal.com. Follow @johnnykats on Twitter, @JohnnyKats1 on Instagram.