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‘Flashdance’ actress stops to pick up laundry, leaves dog locked in car

Jennifer Beals has been accused of locking her dog in a hot car, a charge she says is just not true.

It all began after the actress recently left her German shepherd in her car in Vancouver, British Columbia, where she films her TV show, "Proof." The Global News reported that a man named Dustin Goetz saw the dog panting in the car and confronted Beals about the situation when she returned.

A video of the incident shows Beals telling Goetz, "It's fine. It's fine, OK? Thank you."

Goetz said he decided to report the incident to police anyway.

Beals said in a statement to the news outlet that she has "loved dogs my whole life."

"They've been in my life since the day I was born. Every dog I've had has been a rescue. I would never ever jeopardize an animal's safety. Ever. I've worked with dogs in obedience, agility and shepherding training. I am not only a loving dog owner but a discerning one."

The "Flashdance" star went on to say that it was a cool 73 degrees that day.

"I, and others, were wearing jackets," she said. "I rolled all four windows down and left the car for five minutes to pick up laundry, my car visible to me the entire time.

"I wondered why two people were congregated by my car taking pictures of my girl," she added. "Proud mama thought it was because she's so gorgeous. While I appreciate their vigilance and what must have felt like courage on their part, they were barking up the wrong tree."