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There’s no hurry to watch USA’s ‘Rush’

William P. Rush (Tom Ellis), a doctor with a drug problem, provides private, on-call care to a variety of wealthy clients on “Rush” (9 p.m. Thursday, USA).

It’s basically a cross between “House,” which shares its reruns with USA, and “Royal Pains,” which is produced specifically for USA.

When it comes to patients, Rush doesn’t discriminate. And he doesn’t judge, so long as he gets paid in cash. Fat stacks of it.

There’s a lot of potential here, but the premiere doesn’t offer much you haven’t seen before.

Still, considering it comes from writer-director Jonathan Levine, who brought the world the zom-rom-com (zombie romantic comedy) “Warm Bodies,” which I adored, I’ll give it time to grow on me.

Your willingness to watch more may vary.

Here’s a look: