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Embarrassed by your mother? We want to know

With Mother's Day approaching, our thoughts turn to those special times we shared with Mom.

That time she embarrassed us right before our first date. That first-day-of-school outfit she made us wear that ruined forever any chance we had of sitting at the cool table in the lunchroom. The time she sent us to the school bake sale with knockoff generic Oreos, assuring us that nobody would notice.

Moms. What are you gonna do?

Well, you can share those horribly embarrassing moments with the rest of us.

Catharsis is, we understand, a good thing.

So here's the deal: Tell us, in 300 words or less, about the most embarrassing thing your mother ever did to you. We'll read your letters -- we're so looking forward to this -- and print some of the stories that catch our collective eye in the Mother's Day Living section, May 13, and on the Review-Journal's Web site.

We're looking for true stories here, by the way. We figure there's certainly no need to make any of this stuff up.

Just send your letter, along with your name, age, address and daytime phone number, to: Embarrassing Moms, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0070.

Or, if you'd prefer, e-mail your story to jprzybys@reviewjournal.com. Be sure to write "Embarrassing Moms" in the subject line and make sure you include your name, phone number and all the rest of the contact information (we won't print anything we can't verify).

So start dredging through your childhood memories and start writing. If nothing else, it's cheaper than therapy.

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