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Show Us Your Purse

Name: Julia Krohn

Occupation: Actress who plays Lorraine and others in "Jersey Boys" at the Palazzo

Occasion: Getting ready to do a Thursday night show

What kind of handbag? Loop NYC, my favorite.

How much did it cost? $80, a bargain since it was originally $150.

Where did you get it? TJ Maxx in New York.

Tell us about the first handbag you ever bought. I think it was a Kate Spade knock-off in eighth grade.

Why did you choose this handbag today? I use it every day. I love the colors, the size, and I can wear it like a messenger bag.

How many handbags do you own? Too many.

What's the most you ever paid for a handbag? $80 for this one.

Image is ... Everything, when it comes to my profession. But I would be just as happy sitting on the couch in my sweats watching trash TV with my husband.

What's in your handbag? Clockwise from top: Rosebug Strawberry lip balm, Neutrogena hand cream, iPod, "Jersey Boys" ID card, Odwalla bar and purple leather wallet.



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