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Simply Irresistible

Normally, we wouldn't advise using a video girl as fashion inspiration. But, when it's a Robert Palmer video girl -- and you can pull it off the way Hayden Panettiere does -- we highly encourage it.

The best part of this "Simply Irresistible" look is its departure from predictability. Panettiere has a tendency to look like the style equivalent of a broken record. Her outfits repeatedly deliver the same unimaginative message. Not this one, though.

Her mock turtleneck dress is the perfect addition to those red lips and slick hair. It's sexy and sleek without going over the top and perfectly frames her face. The only alteration she should've made is the length of the dress. The "Heroes" starlet still can't legally order a cocktail but she can certainly get someone to do it for her in this mini. Unless she wants to go from head shots to mug shots, like a bevy of her peers, we suggest taking the hem out an inch.

But Panettiere definitely makes up for it with her cropped, undersized jacket. Black on black couldn't be hotter for fall and the leather puts an unexpected, biker babe spin on things.

The big finish: red pumps to match her lips. It's so '80s, yet so right now.

If you're trying to break out of a trendy rut, follow Panettiere's lead. Here's how you can do it under $200.

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