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Summer Skins

If you're on the lookout for the hottest trends this summer, we have a simple formula for finding them. As you scour those clothing racks, just single out the non-solids. And they won't be hard to find. Anything with a print -- animal, floral, graphic, artsy, tie dye, tribal, etc. -- will keep you in safe fashion territory this season. So push those basic solids to the back of the closet and make room for a little excitement. Here are a few looks that will energize even your laziest summer days.

Model: Andrea Avruskin for Best Agency

Stylists: Susan Stapleton and Xazmin Garza for Review-Journal

Stylists' Assistant: Ashley Bowman

Hair and Makeup: Whitney Urichuk for One Luv Agency, oneluvagency.com

Shot on location at J.W. Marriott

Contact fashion reporter Xazmin Garza at xgarza@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0477.

Hello Kitty truck returns to Summerlin for 1 day only

The truck, which has made multiple visits to the Las Vegas Valley in recent years, stocks a host of Hello Kitty merchandise, from clothing to cookies.